Articles | Volume 22, issue 4
Research article
20 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 20 Apr 2018

Automatic design of basin-specific drought indexes for highly regulated water systems

Marta Zaniolo, Matteo Giuliani, Andrea Francesco Castelletti, and Manuel Pulido-Velazquez

Data sets

Raw and processed hydro-meteorological variables of Jucar river basin for feature selection M. Zaniolo, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, and M. Pulido-Velazquez

Short summary
Drought indexes are an effective tool to support drought management in water systems, but their definition must be tailored to the features of the considered basin. In highly regulated contexts, non-generalizable ad hoc methods are usually employed to design these indexes. This paper contributes the novel Framework for Index-based Drought Analysis (FRIDA) that supports the automatic construction of basin-customized drought indexes representing a surrogate of the basin drought conditions.